Self Directed Support
Self Funding
You can receive support services from Spotlight Support in various ways, if you are unsure what method suits you best or which one applies to you please contact us.
If you would like to use Spotlight services and you have a social worker attached to your case please let them know about Spotlight Support and ask them to contact us.
Once we have heard from your social worker we can arrange to have a chat together about the services Spotlight can provide to you.
Self Directed Support
If you are the holder of Direct Payments or and ISF which have been given to you by your local authority you can use these funds to receive care from Spotlight.
Please feel free to get in touch and we can have a chat about how you would like to spend your budget and what hours and support packages would suit you best.
Self Funding
Spotlight support happily provides support to any individuals who wish to self fund their care package.
Please get in touch with us to discuss how we can help.