Spotlight Support, providing community support since 2017.

Spotlight provides social support within the community, college/further education support, Respite, and Group support through social work referrals, self-directed support and self-funding options.

Our 1:1 support starts from £17.46 per hour. Please contact us directly for accurate costings including overnights, group activities, and respite.

Spotlight Base 

A drop-in service developed during COVID-19 to allow service users to continue skill-building and fun activities in a safe environment.

What can you do at the Spotlight Base?


Learn how to cook or develop new cooking skills in the fully equipt Spotlight Kitchen


Film & TV 

Watch a film, educational show or join our film club and make new friendship groups.

Get fit

Take part in out fitness activities 

One on one, or in a group 


Arts and crafts

We have studio tables and lots of materials to get your creative juices going. We also run classes like wreath making 

Chill out 

Relax, learn new skills or just put your feet up and chat with support workers and friends.



The post COVID world is waiting for you

We’re Back to full service May 2021


Social support

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Spotlight Support provide 1:1 support for individuals. This can be within or outwith the group setting.

Respite & Events

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Spotlight Support can organise and provide support staff for nights away or holidays both domestically and abroad. We can support individuals and groups. Service users can plan their own break with help from our support staff.


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Spotlight provides support to Edinburgh college to individuals with additional support needs.

Group support

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Spotlight Support believe that through group support our service users learn new skills and are helped to create and maintain new friendships. Not only is group support a fun filled environment the care cost is also lowered so you get more care for your budget.

Spotlight Support Staff
Owner/Support Manager

 Support Manager

Support Worker

Hello! I’m Emma Finch, Managing Director or Spotlight Support